Saturday, 20 August 2016

The Editor Improved!!

It's been 4 months , I have been associated with WikiToLearn . 

The experience : Awesome , awesome and awesome.
So much learning in so little time , connecting with devs across the world , being associated to a community ,bootstrapping my open-source contribution, yes , that's what I wanted from GSoC :D

Mentors and the Project

Irene Cortinovis and Gianluca Rigoletti . These two have been answering to every query , be it      trivial or not from the very starting to till now. Every time , they responded ,and unblocked me fromthe tasks. They assigned me tasks in a very planned manner. Lucky , to have mentor such as them.

What I enjoy the most , is the tech group , where all discussions takes place. Every time someone asks anything , it's fun to discuss on a common group , it makes everyone learn something . Bots too add the fun element to the discussions.

Project : Adding the Latex Completions for the Visual Editor

The earlier editor didn't had any autocompletions whether in adding code blocks or inserting formula:

That Improved by Adding Autocompletions and Latex Snippets:

Snippets and AutoCompletions have now become a part of the editor. The user need not to write complex formulas completely. Corresponding snippet's caption can be used to render the formula with ease. Other than , the text already written can be autocompleted by a dynamically generated dropdown.

Validation of Security from XSS Attacks:

When adding <a href=""> tags to the source directly:

When trying to exploite the style attribute of the div:

It was detected as an insecure input :) :)

Complete Documentation:

Work Remaining:

Some of the XSS tests on IE are still remaining. 

Things I learned :

  • Communicate properly and clearly .
  • Implement keeping the future in mind.
  • VIM and GIT concepts refined
  • Insight to open source
  • People from Italy  :) ;)

Things I loved:

  • Building end user experience
  • Working through VIM
Thanks again to Irene and Gianluca for helping me till now . WikiToLearn is a fun family , which I am lucky to be a part of , and hopefully we will keep growing .